Μαριάνα Καβρουλάκη
Πειραµατικός αρχαιολόγος, Ιστορικός τροφίµων.
Having studied Sociology and Archaeology, Mariana Kavroulaki specializes in Experimental, Sensory and Public Food – Archaeology.
She is the founder of Greek Culinary History & Cooking Adventures, a studio that explores the evolution of Greek cuisine throughout the centuries and encourages people to rethink historical dining through period cookery lessons, sensory historical food -walking tours, multi-sensory history-themed dinners and interactive lectures (www.historyofgreekfood.weebly.com).
Kavroulaki is the founder and organizer of the Symposia of Greek Gastronomy, a biennial weekend-long meeting at which academics, food writers, cooks, activists and artists discuss issues in Greek food. (www.greekgastronomy.wordpress.com).
She is also the local organizer of the conference ‘’Communication across Cultures: Challenges and Prospects in the Global Context’’ and a Board member at Historical, Folklore & Archaeological Society of Crete.